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William Sweeny

I’m Will! A lover of 35mm photography to typography and anything in-between. I have a passion for both typography and editorial design having had the ability to explore these further in 3rd year and it’s the area of design I’m most interested in. Social design and ethics is also something I enjoy having based my dissertation on the topic. I’d say my favourite style to work with is vectors especially with illustrations used in a number of ways.

Through the Eyes

Final Major Project
Live Client Brief

Synesthesia is a medical condition which effects the brain and how it processes sensory information, this means that people who have it will often experience more than one sense at a time when faced with a certain factor. For example if they were to experience a piece of music or perhaps just daily mundane sounds, simultaneously to hearing that they might also experience visual forms of colour or the feeling of texture. Essentially it is the combination and blending of sensory experiences and Synesthesia itself has a wide number of different types.

The aim of this project was to bring light to this condition. During my research and when also asking amongst my peers, it seemed fairly obvious that very little people knew about Synesthesia. Not only that, but I feel that it should be celebrated a lot more. The ability to experience this multi-sensory phenomenon is amazing and I feel more people should know about the topic.


Synesthesia is a medical condition
which effects the brain and how it
processes sensory information; this
means that people who have it will
often experience more than one sense.

Within my dissertation I explored the
moral and ethical obligations of a graphic
designer and looked at what sort of social
responsibility they hold.

Ethical and Moral Code of a Designer

ditorial Design

Ethics has always been prevalent in history and even more so now. Within my dissertation I explored the moral and ethical obligations of a Graphic Designer and looked at what sort of social responsibility they hold. I have created this dissertation around that basis. The concept to this design is that I wanted to strip everything down to the bare minimum.

It’s a simple yet elegant design with the use of monospace type and experimentation with typography and hierarchy brings this piece to life. Whilst this may only really appeal to those who are designers or perhaps interested in the subject, I feel this work and writing can be appreciated and understood by anyone.